You don't have to look far if you're searching for a barbering school. Tinsleys School Of Barber Styling in Reidsville, NC will teach you how to become a professional barber. Our barbering school offers different classes that will help you learn the essentials in barbering and cosmetology. We have highly respected professionals who are willing to share their knowledge with you. To learn more or get started, please feel free to reach out to us. You may contact us by phone or email. We look forward to seeing you at one of our classes!
Opening schedule Tuesday thru Friday 8:00am to 12pm and 2pm 5:00pm
Closing Schedule Tuesday thru Friday 9:00 and to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm
(occasional 8:00am to 1pm Saturday schedule)
Full-time students (minimum of 32 hours weekly)
Part-time students (minimum of 16 hours weekly)
Holiday Closing
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving (Thursday & Friday)
Christmas (TBD approximately 2 weeks)
Martin Luther King Jr
Easter (TBD)
Memorial Day
July 4th (TBD)
Inclement Weather: in the case of inclement weather forcing school closing or delay, students will receive a text message from an administrator. The school also follows Rockingham County School System closings unless otherwise notified. If there is no announcement, then the school is open as regularly scheduled.